Class of 2023 - Project proposal due: 9/23/22, Project completion due: 3/6/23
Graduation Project Overview
The graduation project is required of all students and is to be completed by the end of the third marking period senior year. Students receive high school credit after the graduation project is complete.
There are three steps to complete a graduation project.
- Approval - All graduation projects need approval from Dr. Zack, K12 Career Counselor. Students will need to fill out the Graduation Project Approval Form in Naviance, under About Me, Surveys. You will receive notification via your school email regarding approval of your project.
- Complete the project – see requirements below. Forms can be found in Naviance, About Me, My Stuff, and Documents Shared with Me.
- Return the “Evidence” form to Naviance, About Me, My Stuff, Journal, and use the plus sign to add your form.
Graduation Project Options and Requirements…
- Job Shadowing
- Receive approval from Dr. Zack and the job shadowing locations.
- Connected to our school’s curriculum/courses.
- Developed at least ten questions to ask during job shadowing.
- Minimum of three separate experiences that are at least three hours each (at least nine total hours)
- Evidence – Job Shadowing Graduation Project Form
- Career Mentoring
- Receive approval from Dr. Zack
- Mentors based on student’s career interests
- Developed at least ten questions to ask during mentoring experience.
- Minimum of 6 hours
- Evidence – Career Mentoring Graduation Project Form
- Industry-Recognized Credential
Or ... If not on approved list, it must meet this criteria…
1. Is it a credential in the student’s career interest?
2. Is this credential in demand?
3, Does it align with any high school course?
- Evidence – Industry Recognized Credential Graduation Project Form
Other Options for the graduation project
- Service Learning
- Approved by Dr. Zack and a supervising agency representative.
- Evaluated by supervisor. If choosing senior service, it is graded pass/fail.
- Connected to our school’s curriculum/courses, senior service counts
- Includes a learning plan
- Minimum of 6 weeks or 60 hours
- Evidence – Service Learning Graduation Project Form
- Internship/Practicum (paid or unpaid)
- Receive approval from Dr. Zack and intern/practicum supervisor)
- Connected to our school’s curriculum/courses
- Includes a learning plan
- Minimum six weeks and/or 60 hours
- Evidence – Internship/Practicum Graduation Project Form
- Community-Based Work Programs (Students with IEPs only)
- Receive approval from Dr. Zack with approval from a supervising agency representative.
- Students with IEPs only, monitored by Special Education Teacher, hours determined by IEP.
- Follows Chapter 14 regulations
- Evidence – transition coordinator discretion