Formally titled the Career Success Advisory Council, this group works to support the school counseling efforts in the Lewisburg Area School District. The council membership includes school counselors, teachers, administrators, parents, students, local business people, and post-secondary representatives. The council conducts two meetings each school year in the fall and in the spring with topics focused on the three school counseling domains.
Student Success Advisory Committee
January 28, 2020 Agenda
- Welcome - Dr. Zack
- K12 School Guidance Plan - Mrs. Moser
3. Closure - Dr. Zack
The Three Domains of School Counseling
Minutes from the March 12, 2019 Meeting
Lewisburg Area High School
8:30am- 10:10
- Mrs. Cathy Moser- Academic
- HS- Course selection guide, new electives driven by student preferences
- MS -Identifying unique qualities of MS students and developing a schedule to give students more opportunities
- K-5- Emphasis on literacy/numeracy to give students a foundation of learning
- Mr. Kevin Mowrey/Mrs. Sherry Ulrich- Social/Emotional
- Second Step Program purchased to teach social/emotional skills to students resiliency, empathy, building and maintaining meaningful relationships, emotional regulation skills, effective decision-making
- Benefits of skills learned social and academic success!
- Second Step video- preview digital curriculum/activities relate-able and relevant to today's youth
- Escape Room Demo critical thinking, coping with frustration, teamwork and resiliency fun!
- Ms. Jen Sands
- Mind Yeti Demo, K-5 resource
- Part of the Second Step program used at Linntown to teach mindfulness
- Used 3-5 minutes during Ms. Sands' guidance lessons settling the "hub-bubbles"
- Calm your mind, focus your attention and connect better with the people around you
- Group performed a 3 minute "Hello, Breath" exercise calm minds and bodies J
- 5 FREE sessions on the App/1 Free additional session given each month
- Parents can also sign up online for at home use with their email
- Mrs. Emily O'Connor/Mrs. Vicki Fennell- Career
- Naviance Demo, College and Career Resource
- Handout provided with power point
- Transitioning from Career Cruising at MS to Naviance at HS
- Helps students answer the "Who?", "How?", "What?", "Will?" questions
- College and Career profile pages- provides information to specific institutions and careers: price, acceptance/graduation rate, deadlines
- "Find your fit"à connect your criteria with possible post-graduate schools
- Allows students to compare schools based on student data
- "Resume builder" Naviance tool which assists students in creating their personal resume
- Parent portal is no longer available through Naviance examples of school/home communication to keep parents involved
- Students have access to their transcripts through Mrs. Aikey in the guidance office
- Discussion regarding virtual viewing of schools v. visiting a school in person
- View sample student page
- Dr. Brenda Zack
- Adopt a Classroom/Career Pathways
- Adopt a classroom- 5thgraders at Linntown
- Business owners in the community present to 5thgraders about the risks/benefits of owning their own business
- 2ndvisit- marketing
- Career Pathways- getting students to think about their interests/abilities and the pathways to get there
- Making decisions based on experiences
- SUN Tech student explained hands-on activity with 4thgraders on 3/11/19- various programs at SUN guided 4thgraders through their area with use of tools and hands-on experiences
- Mrs. Fennell/ Dr. Brenda Zack- Closure
- Next meeting- collaborative effort between school and community to continue developing our 339 Plan
- Thank you for coming!
Next meeting- Fall 2019 TBD