Lewisburg Area School District has partnered with FMX for all facility use requests. All facility use requests are completed online.
Create a FMX Account (First time, Non-Employee Users):
1. Log in to to create a new FMX account.
2. Complete the required fields and submit your information.
3. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to Lewisburg Area School District's FMX page.
Creating a Schedule Request:
1. Log in to Lewisburg School District's FMX page.
2. Click on the NEW REQUEST button at the top right of the page
3. Complete the required information and click submit
4. Once your request has been submitted, you will receive an email letting you know that we have received your request.
5. Upon review from Lewisburg Area School District, you will receive another email either confirming or declining your request.
Community Member Schedule Request Training Video